Thursday, March 19, 2020

Signs You Are a Chemistry Major

Signs You Are a Chemistry Major If you are a chemistry major, you already know youre special. Yet, can people sense  you are a chemistry major before you tell them? Yes! Here are the signs that set you apart from other students. You get annoyed when someone tells you they dont want chemicals in their food (shampoo, cleaners, etc.) because you know everything is a chemical.The dark circles under your eyes from lack of sleep are from pulling all-nighters to write up lab reports  and work chemistry problems rather than from partying.You often smell like a signature scent from the lab that no one mistakes for designer perfume. If you work in certain labs, even your breath reeks of  an organic solvent.You not only know what Avogadros number is, but can state it with 5  significant figures. You also realize Avogadro isnt the one who came up with the number that bears his name, although he did describe a gas law. You own a lab coat, wear it even when it isnt necessary, and like the interesting  way it smells. Despite the lab coat, most of your pants have holes in them from acid burns. Your shoes and possibly your lab notebooks also bear these marks.  Theres a good chance you have some scars from chemical burns, too.You make the Best. Coffee. Ever. Every time. Your cupboard contains lab glassware in addition to the usual kitchen utensils. You didnt borrow it from the lab, did you?You know the difference between borosilicate glass, flint glass, and leaded  crystal (and why its not really crystal). You know what color will be produced by burning pretty much  every metal salt  known to mankind. When someone refers to a mole, you think of the unit, not the burrowing mammal.If asked, you could provide detailed instructions for 10 ways to make it go boom. You likely have pictures of key examples on your cell phone. Your lawn may have a few dead spots from outdoor experiments.When asked if something is organic, you consider whether it contains carbon and hydrogen, not whether it was grown without pesticides.You can pronounce the name of every ingredient on product packaging, know its purpose, and may be able to draw its structure.You know, without looking, what color Chemistry Cat is. If you have a cat, you  consider dressing it up like C hemistry Cat for Halloween. You have multiple copies of the periodic table, although you could state the names of at least the first 20 elements in order and possibly their atomic weights. The periodic table may be the wallpaper on your phone and computer.You rarely get to wear sandals or flip flops. When you do wear them, youre conscious of spilling liquids on your feet.If you need vision correction, you wear glasses, because you cant wear contacts in the lab. You may even own a pair of prescription safety glasses.You own or want to wear a bow tie.No matter how well things are going, you can always find some type of  error.You dont sniff perfume or even food the same way as others. You use your ​hand to wave a small amount of the odor toward your nose. Its a dead giveaway you took a chemistry lab. You May Also Like College  Chemistry Major Courses 10 Careers in ChemistryHigh School Courses To Major in Chemistry

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Master Networking for Introverts with this 4-Step Guide

Master Networking for Introverts with this 4-Step Guide You know how important networking is for your career- any career. Trouble is, you absolutely loathe it. Big crowds of people, mingling, small talk, sales pitches†¦ the whole idea makes you queasy. Can’t you just stalk people on LinkedIn from the comfort of your couch and sweatpants and call it square? Unfortunately, networking is too crucial to avoid. But there are four things you can do, even as the most introverted introvert in all of introversion, to put a smile on your face, pull up your grown-up underpants, and start schmoozing.1. Say yesNetworking event? Cocktail hour invite? DELETE. IGNORE. RUN AWAY. Right? Wrong. Remember how important it is to make connections in the business world. Try saying yes to every other invite you receive. Or every three. The more you go to, the easier they’ll get. Remember: it’s good for your career.2. Acknowledge the awfulYou’re probably still going to hate it. Changing your attitude- and your R.S.V.P.- won’ t make that big of a difference in your actual enjoyment of these events. But knowledge is power. If you prepare yourself to be a little uncomfortable, a little ill at ease, but to grin and bear it and know that it won’t go on forever, you’ll have a better time.3. Prepare a survival kitLike an uncomfortable actor fiddling with a prop, make yourself a tool kit. Have a nice briefcase you can use as a shield. Fill it with copies of your resume, business cards, pens, Rescue Remedy, breath mints, a book. You’ll be the go-to savior if anyone should need a writing implement. And you can always busy yourself with the contents of your bag when things get awkward and you have to retreat into a corner. Plus, you’ll be prepared for anything and never once caught with your pants down (read: without a resume or business card to give someone when asked).4. Reward yourselfEven in the best of circumstances, networking events can take a lot of energy. Plan to give yourself a buffer of some quality alone time before and after the event. Reward yourself with a Netflix marathon and a box of mac and cheese. Put your phone on silent and enjoy the peace and quiet.Remember, when in doubt (or terror, or discomfort) you can always hide out at the snack table or the bar. Who knows, you might even run into a fellow introvert and have a pleasurable conversation.